The TGA transition period for software-based medical devices that met the regulatory changes set on 25 February 2021 ends on 1st November 2024. You will have until 1st November 2024 to apply for a conformity assessment with the TGA and to include your device in the ARTG list under the new, higher classification. Contact us to help you with this transition and to assist you with TGA conformity assessment.
Tag: Europe
Demonstrating cybersecurity compliance for your medical device.
There are published guidance documents including checklists on how medical device manufacturers can demonstrate cybersecurity compliance. Checking your devices against these guidelines can help you prepare your technical files for submission and auditing.
MDCG revised document, MDCG 2022-4 Rev 2
The MDCG has released a revised document, MDCG 2022-4 Rev 2, Guidance on appropriate surveillance regarding the transitional provisions under Article 120 of the MDR with regard to devices covered by certificates according to the MDD or the AIMDD. This guidance document outlines the activities to be performed by notified bodies as part of the appropriate surveillance defined in Article 120(3e) MDR.
EU MDR 2017/745
GOODBYE GMDN………………….HELLO EMDN The EMDN will be the nomenclature used when registering medical devices In the Eudamed database. Although mapped to the current GMDN Nomenclature, it is stand alone and will be used in future as a searching tool by EU Operators. SPEAK TO US TODAY George Loizou | Director | MDD/MDSAP/MDR Notified Body/AO Lead Auditor | MDD/MDR Notified Body Technical File Reviewer | Contact us on: C | M | S – Compliance Management Solutions – Leaders In Compliance (Australia, Europe, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, NZ) M: +61 4 33 124266 W: E: [email protected] North Melbourne, Victoria
Is your product Borderline or Boundary?
Under the MDR 2017/745, medical devices are classified into different classes based on their intended use and potential risks to patients. The MDR also includes additional requirements for certain devices, including borderline products.Borderline products are those that have characteristics of both medical devices and other products such as:– Borderline between medical devices and medicinal products,– Borderline between medical devices and substances of human origin– Borderline between medical devices and cosmetic products– Borderline between medical devices and personal protective equipment It’s important to understand the mode of action of the product to truly determine the regulatory framework. Incorrectly classifying a product can result in huge financial loss. In the case of borderline products, careful assessment[…]
Choosing the right Notified Body for your Medical Device
Choosing the right Notified Body for certifying your medical device is important. Factors such as costs, Notified Body review times should be considered when making this decision. We work with many Notified Bodies across different device groups.
Need Australian TGA / European EU Rep or Asian Medical Device Representation? MEDICAL DEVICES LICENSE HOLDING / TGA SPONSORSHIP / EC REPRESENTATION Our latest service just launched and we’ve gone GLOBAL! Check out our website for more information and quotation. Compliance Management Solutions Melbourne, Australia (Head Office) E: [email protected] M: +61 433 124 266 W: